
In this section you will find all of our audio content that we produce via Trade Knowledge Matters.

You can find all our episodes here.

Trade Policy and Climate Change

Episode Summary Our fourth episode of Trade Knowledge Matters, Amar discusses with Dr. Emily Lydgate and Matthew Bell about trade policy and climate change. Full Transcript Coming soon.

The WTO and ‘The New Mulitlateralism’

Episode Summary Our third episode of Trade Knowledge Matters, Amar discusses with Dr. Patrick Low and Ricardo Ramirez Hernandez about the WTO and the “New Multilateralism’. This is a special episode ahead of the WTO’s 12th Ministerial Conference occurring on June 12th, 2022.   Full Transcript Coming Soon.

The Big To-do List for UK Trade Policy

Episode Summary Our second episode of Trade Knowledge Matters, Amar discusses with Prof. Alan Winters about the UK’s Trade Policy from a global perspective.   Full Transcript Amar (00:05.023) Hello and welcome to this edition of the Trade Knowledge Matters podcast. I’m Amar Breckenridge and today we’re going to focus on the UK’s trade policy from […]

Introduction to Trade Knowledge Matters Podcast

Episode Summary This is an introductory podcast episode of Trade Knowledge Matters. TKM is designed to discuss international trade, international economic relations and the challenges it faces. We will be joined by global experts in international trade who will share international trade policy insights and analysis with a special focus on the UK’s trade policy. […]

Make Trade, Not War.

  Episode Summary Our first episode of Trade Knowledge Matters, Amar discusses with David Skilling about the challenges that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the global response to it has affected international trade.   Full Transcript Amar (00:10.126) Hello and welcome to today’s edition of the Trade Knowledge Matters podcast. On today’s episode we will be […]