Trade Knowledge Exchange > Our Services

Our Services

TKE partners offer a wide range of trade-related technical, economic and institutional support services ranging from technical studies to policy and strategy advice to training. The comprehensive nature of our team, which brings together a powerful blend of practitioners, academics and advisers, means we can offer a full range of practical support.

International trade in goods, Trade services, Professional services brexit, brexit professional services, brexit network, trade expertise, trade expertise network, Trade knowledge, trade knowedge exchange, trade compliance, trade tools, barriers to international trade, effects of tariffs, brexit trade, brexit trade deals, post brexit trade deals, post-brexit trade deals, brexit trade, brexit trade deals, trade after brexit, brexit trade agreements, brexit analysis, trade analysis,

Examples of our services include:

Policy and advisory:

  • Frontier Economics advised the UK Government on negotiating positions in relation to automotives and financial services in the context of the EU-Japan FTA negotiations
  • UKTPO has provided policy advice to DFID on future UK trade relations with developing countries

Technical studies:

  • Frontier Economics has used econometric modelling to quantify the impacts of UK – EU exit scenarios on the UK economy, on other EU economies, and on specific sectors.
  • UKTPO has conducted technical studies for Universities UK on Higher Education

Training and capacity-building:

  • UKTPO has provided training to the UK government on trade data, trade modelling and partial equilibrium analysis
  • Frontier Economics has provided training and capacity building for ASEAN trade negotiators

To find out more about how the TKE partners can assist you, please contact