

Where we are now It is now almost a month since the European Council discussion of Brexit on October 17, which had for many months been the target date for agreement on the UK’s terms of withdrawal. That meeting produced no agreement, but also no surprises because expectations on both sides of the Channel had […]

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Edging towards a people’s vote on Brexit?

    On Saturday October 20 the second, long-planned, march in support of a People’s Vote (that is, a further referendum) on the terms of any eventual Brexit deal took place in London.  In perfect autumn weather the march wound its way from Park Lane through the centre of London in the direction of Parliament Square, where […]

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    Democracy, Referenda, and Brexit

    A new “People’s Vote”? Less than six months now remain until the legal date for Brexit of 29 March 2019.  In the last few days there have been some more optimistic-sounding briefings on both sides of the Channel about the prospects for agreement, but these were quickly toned down. There is still no agreement, either […]

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    US Economic Sanctions against Iran: How can other Trading Countries Protect Legitimate Business?

    An image of a cooling tunnel in a nuclear plant.

    US and the Iran nuclear deal President Trump is reimposing the full range of United States economic and trade sanctions against Iran following his unilateral decision in May 2018 to pull the US out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the so-called Iran nuclear deal).  That deal was reached with Iran in July 2015 […]

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